October. We are officially in the final quarter of the year. How insane is that?

First of all, I want to take this time to wish my beloved country Nigeria an amazing new year. I wish my people continued growth, healing and progress as we strive to be a better nation. Happy 55th Naija!

Now, on this matter of the power of the tongue. This year I have worked through a series of self improvement and acknowledgement, and I hope you all have too. Each new month is always an opportunity to reflect on areas of improvement and areas of satisfaction. Positive speaking (and thinking) seem to fall in both areas.

Its SO easy to SAY things… and not really mean or do them. And thats why this #MonthsMantra for me goes deeper than just the words I’ve chosen to type. Speaking it into existence is not a new concept, but it’s a tough one, especially for a mini (almost ex) pessimist like myself. For the longest time, my default was to go the absolute worst case or negative scenario. And though in theory I knew the consequences of actions like that, I chose to attribute it to being a “realist” and keeping my expectations in check. But recently, I have had a taste of positive thinking and speaking and let me tell you, Me? I love it! It IS tough though, especially when things seem so bleek.

This month I am looking to KEEP speaking positivity into existence in my life. This is because, eventually, you will start to THINK that way. Fake it till you make it? I really believe it is possible for your words to alter your thoughts. The process of change can go both ways. This month, words and phrases of affirmation will litter my desk, wall and computer.

I will choose to remind my self of the things I want and the fact that I WILL get it. Whether or not I believe it at that moment. No, this is not an issue of being unrealistic, it’s an issue of exercising unrelenting belief and breaking through that valley of discouragement that always seems to show up and stall or put a stop to progression.

So yes, Happy new October! Go hard this final quarter in terms of achieving your goals and please, don’t stop speaking your dreams and wants into existence. You want it? SAY IT. (Or write, or both). Voice only POSITIVE thoughts and mute the negativity, cause words will bring things forth… and well, we don’t want no negative stuff materializing.

Much love, positive vibes and materialized wants.