Recap on August
Four weeks!
That went by like nothing! So much happened and I’m telling you guys, speaking positivity and things into your life DOES go a long way. It is imperative, in order to keep one’s happiness, that we keep things positive!
So anyways…August was my #SayYes Month and boy did I! Oh man…I allowed myself to just enjoy things, not overthink the process or reason behind every single thing and just agree with the flow! It was refreshing! I laughed, I lived, I loved and I said yes! So much so, I kinda want to KEEP saying yes. You see, though I was blessed to fully enjoy the month of August, there were so many people that didn’t get this priviledge. Sudden and shocking deaths riddled this month and it just reiterated my whole frame of mind for August. Why keep boundaries to enjoying this beautiful gift of life. It wasn’t about “why should I do this?” it was more about “Why not?” So yes, yes, YES! I have decided to keep saying yes! Throughout September and probably till further notice!
FYI: I am a bit of a conversation jumper so forgive me if sometimes (all the time) my posts are all over the place…
…but this is really how my mind and my day to day conversations with fam and friends work. Lol, they have more experience in following my thought process, but y’all will catch on soon. I hope…
Stay Cool
Oh guess what? Another 5k marathon is coming up and though I keep saying yes to training, I am not making that yes immediate! Lawd help meeee! – Stay Cool Jae… I am trying though, you have to believe me. (no, no…I’m not. I’m slacking like a pair of wedgied out underwear).
Speaking of Serene September, with school back in session and we professionals being “back at work” after an awesome long weekend, I feel this amazing sense of peace. I was able to really gather my thoughts this past weekend and I feel renewed. I am genuinely grateful to God for this sense of peace, a gift I asked for and have ben granted! I also started the #100HappyDays series (not challenge, this is not a competition for me). I can’t believe I didn’t do this earlier. For goodness sakes I am a professional Happiness Quester! So yea, I am excited for this. Looking, Finding and Documenting the things that make ME happy each day should be fun! And feeling like a rockstar the entire way!
Keep Calm
New challenges are coming and even though we are banking on riding this awesome wave of renewed focus and peace, the truth is storms will still want to rear their ugly heads. In very fashionable ways! But here’s the challenge… finding the calm in the midst of these storms. Taking on challenges with our sense of control. I am a mini drama queen, but as I approach the later part of my awesome twenties, I’m getting the hang of just taking a moment, recalibrating and then reacting. It’s not easy though! Can’t even lie! But this September…. oh I’m going to exercise those calming techniques.
Counting to 10. Repeating the situation to myself in a sarcastic voice. Imagining everyone around me has a titled pineapple for a head… what ever it takes!
Collect yourself!
There really isn’t more to speak on this. This comes naturally during and after the cool & calm. I find myself gathering my thoughts quicker, and bring myself back in. Laser Sharp Collected Focus! Emotionally, Mentally….Career-cally? lol…Le sigh…
Anyways readers, the bottom line is enjoy this new month. Take your time and enjoy and savor each moment! Both good and bad!
And REMEMBER! Chaos don’t like Calm…it always leaves the room when it see’s Calm’s present. So… yea.. stay calm and collect yourself!
Till next month!
PS: By the way…the awesome cover art is by the phenomenal Komi Olaf… yes my brother… now go stalk his site