And just like that. December rolls in like it never left.

2015 was and is such a liberating year. I am too grateful for so many things. With the speed at which this year zoomed by, I have no issue starting my moments of appreciation from Day 1.

There is power in writing and speaking things into existence. I believe quite a bit of my #MonthMantras this year focused a lot on that concept. It really worked wonders for my psyche.

12 months ago I opened myself as wide as I could to the universe, I wanted to see the world as my oyster and really dove head first into life. I was OK with working through the kinks. I wanted to push through comfort zones and challenge myself in ways I wasn’t prepared to in the past. I mean, at that point, there really wasn’t anything to loose. What was the worst that could happen? Try and fail….so what? I remember moving into March giddy with excitement for the new things I was experiencing. They weren’t comfortable, but they were NEW and that was….exciting! It was really a different feeling not getting too worked about change. The concept of “going with the flow” was kind of nice. Everything up until 6 months in was about pushing through that growing discomfort, if it made me nervous then I took it as good. I mean, all of this was not because I knew what I was doing oh…it was more for the learning curve. I wanted to realize new limits for myself. As I reflect on July up until now, I can see remnants of my old default self, but I can’t even begin to articulate how much saying and writing my mantras helped me work through it. I was visibly yoyo-ing through the last half. One minute sure, next minute not; but one thing I knew was that with each new month I had a new opportunity and a new chance to reset, rejig, and restart. And for that I am forever thankful. The opportunity to have another go at it and make adjustments, learn, apply!

2015, I am thankful for your patience with me. I am thankful for your sandbox. I am thankful I had the opportunity to try and fail and succeed and change and mould and set. I will remember each positive thing that I was blessed with this year and I will jot it down. I will appreciate it wholly and sincerely because the truth is, there are sooooo many people out there who didn’t get the chance to give this thanks and it’s not because I am better than they were.

I urge you guys, as we wind down 2015 and you start to reflect on your year, to take a moment.

Pick up a pen, or fire up your tech piece and jot down ALL the positives and learnings from this year (as you remember them) and simply end each one with: “…and for this, I am grateful.”

Watch what kind of masterpiece you come up with! Looking forward to ending this year with a smile!

So yes, December… you’re walking into an appreciation party. Hope you came prepared.

Have a smile worthy December peoples!

PS: Awesome art work by the Pharaoh that is my blood and home slice of life Komi Olaf!!!

#MonthMantra #DecemberPause #GiveThanks