
#NewNewOctober – Staying Positive

It works people. Not that anyone would’ve doubted it, but it does work. A lot was thrown at me this past month, but to be honest it was indeed a #NEWNEWOCTOBER in every sense of the hash tag. From new challenges, to new friends, to new projects, to perceptions, to a whole new attitude towards shitty situations!  I stayed positive and opened up my mind to new things!

To be honest, I slipped many times. I forgot how to chant my mantra that “it will be OK” and that “everything will be FINE” but I eventually remembered, albeit post freak out mode. As the month went on I found it got easier to just relax and search for the positive in shitty situations. I kept words of affirmation in clear visibility to remind me of the GOOD things I am blessed with and things that I get to experience or be a part of each day.

This exercise did wonders for me this past month and you know what, I found I drew more positive outcomes towards me, or what I now perceive to be positive…. Do you see what happened here?

I won’t forget the benefits of this.

But it’s November…Legends were born in this time!

I’m not one to brag, BUT November IS the most epic month of the year. Believe me when I say Legends were born in this time…(Ok, by research I believe October has the most celebrities…but whatever…I digress).

I do however feel like superwoman entering this month guys. I feel pumped! I feel READY! I really would love to start going through the epicness/roller coaster ride that was this year, but I have to save it for next month (God Willing).

Till then, my exercise for this month, which is in line with staying calm (September), staying positive (October) will be to stay focused!

Some month’s back I talked about missed goals, and to be honest I can’t confidently say I have made a dent in some of those lists. I mean, #100DaysTillSummer is still incomplete…or rather, it’s till going…(Keeping it Positive), and #100HappyDays, well I am a week, behind. It IS quite hard to be HAPPY every day! What I did find though was that it was more of time issue that made me slack, October was an insanely busy month. Anyways, onward we go! Focus will bring those goals to completion. I will log/document these 100’s. Unfailingly. Along with the rest of those goals I make in between. Focus.

To help me along the way, I researched some tips that could help me (and us?) over this next month includes:

  • Eliminate Distractions: I’m unsure if this will help me personally because I naturally tend to bounce around when I work. Multi-task a bit. I will, however, try it for a few days and see if I can manage focusing on one thing longer and to completion without distractions. I cannot vouch for my faith in this tip.
  • Get Plenty of Sleep: This is VERY subjective. But over the past few months, I have become a strong believer in this. I don’t play with my rest time anymore. Though I still tend to work 48hr days sometimes…#WeAreAWorkInProgressPlease
  • Exercise: Well, if there is one thing I need to implement more it’s this. I wonder if looking at it as a focus enhancer/stress reliever vs. weight loss strategy would change my perception and dedication to the activity.
  • The Pareto Principle has come up more than once in the past month. 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. Optimizing my time! If it’s wasting time or taking unreasonably long, I’m probably doing something wrong.
  • Be Specific: It’s simple and true. So having a general goal won’t cut it, in order to sharpen your focus and optimize your work strategy, specificity would have to join the party. It’s the first part of having S.M.A.R.T Goals (as I learned in Marketing)! So I should rephrase some of the things I said earlier on. I will not just finish the 100’s; I will finish the 100’s by December 15th! (42 days from today, I am on day 57!) There. Specific!

Well I’m sure you get the point by now. November, the month of Legends, is for staying focused. Legends didn’t just appear.
They worked, they remained focused and they were driven. And this is what will happen to us this month.

The bottom line is we are all work in progresses and we have to make adjustments to keep striving towards goals, especially when we realize there are flaws in our current processes. I have to work on my focus, as I am working on altering my general perception and reaction to things, it’s important the focus is in place.
So, people let’s try to KEEP OUR FOCUS this month. Have them written and visible, be very realistic and be specific!

Till next month!