My Sweet, Beautiful, Lucky, Reminiscent, MmmmMmmm forever grateful, November.
I am happy to see you and you know what, thanks. I needed your perfectly timed visit. October was A LOT of work and I am just glad he’s left. I hope he took all the stress with him because GHOLLYY! I am quite ready to clean house and start off fresh. I won’t bore you with tales of how October literally sucked everything out of me, but I’m not kidding, by the time he was leaving, I was left barely standing, completely drained, at the door just waiting for him to leave. All that talk about “Speak into Existence” Positivity that I prepared for his arrival? Bruh! It was TOUGH. Well, now that THAT is over…let me just get you in and comfortable.
Oh November, you always bring a good time and a shot of energy with you. You bring motivation, you bring calmness and clarity. So I am sooo glad you’re here. Really, I am.
I’ve been thinking a lot about strengths lately. Focusing on strengths and the universe has really pointed in that direction. Through the hustle and “extra-ness” that was October, there was some sense I made of the chaos. November, I’m trying to not only identify my strengths, but really start to exercise them, before they become dormant and useless. (Just like my physical body, but thats a talk for another day).
November, I’m looking at taking a strength of mine each day for the duration of your stay and focusing on it. Yes, I intend to find 30 beautiful strengths I possess and if I am stalling on any day I will repeat… and repeat… and repeat… until it becomes second nature to acknowledge it and not be surprised. And my weaknesses, well that’s what they are and I am not about to spend my limited time with you discussing them, but I intend to manage them. Acknowledge their presence, yes, but also maneuver them so they facilitate, not hinder, my progress.
November, I’m trying to finish off 2015 stronger than when I moved in a year ago… you know how these yearly leases be. We have to keep getting better to have a better deal on the next year you know and with December clean out and reflection coming, November you have to help get things straight.
Here, let me get your bags before I talk your ear off. You haven’t even come through the door fully! Ok, come in…come in…Kick your feet up by the fireplace, Hot chocolate is coming.
We’re about to have a productive goooood time yea?